Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My thoughtful mother-in-law found this ikea bed canopy at a yard sale almost two years ago for Lucy's room.
While I really like it, I wanted to change it up a bit for Nora's new room. I found this sheet of linen scrapbook paper that I've decided to use as the color inspiration for the nursery.
With that in mind, I chose a rust red corduroy (that looks velvety) to alter the canopy. I cut off the old flags.
Then I made a template for my new flags.
I'm really happy with the way it turned out! It's sort-of a cross between between a flower and a circus.
Here it is up close.
Six weeks to go!


  1. love, love love the color of the *crown*.

  2. Lovely! Good choice1 I love the new shape to the flags. As you said it looks more like a flowery covering! What a creative creature you are. You truly are gifted!

  3. JJ, you are amazing! I love your projects. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Awesome job, I absolutely love it! Love all of your ideas. When you get a chance to breath, we need more!
    Blessings 2 U
    and your growing

  5. Beautiful! What a great "recycled" project!

  6. You’re always doing great work and come up with new things. Everybody should try new things. Appreciate your efforts.
