Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rainbow Cake

Today was Lucy's third birthday, and I REALLY wanted to make a rainbow cake for her because I've seen so many seriously cute pictures of them online. The problem is, I don't know much about baking and/or cake decorating. Fortunately for me, my neighbor, Christine is great at it! She volunteered to help me make the toddler cake of my dreams (ok... so she basically did the whole thing, but I learned a whole lot watching her!).

First, she mixed one white box cake mix according the directions (you can certainly make it from scratch, but it saves a ton of time using a box mix), then weighed it and divided it by six. Using that number, she weighed out six equal portions of batter for the six layers, then put them into six bowls. Then we used gel dyes (not food coloring) to make the colors really saturated.

She baked each layer for nine minutes, then let them cool and started stacking them up with a layer of frosting in between.

I thought it would be really pretty and fun to put dum dums on the cake since Lucy is a big fan of lollipops. Christine had the idea to make a border all the way around the bottom, and I thought it would look pretty to do a graduated color pattern.
We left the sticks attached to the dum dums and just pushed them into the cake. Isn't it pretty?
Here's the top view:
Look how excited she is!
Ta Da!
It was SUPER sugary, but we made quite a dent in it.


  1. oh, my gosh, that is the coolest cake EVER! pinterest is amazing, no? ;)

  2. That is beautiful!

    Hopefully my mom doesn't mind doing this for her 20-something-year-old ;) I would go nuts!

  3. That is such a fun cake! Nice work on making something so amazingly special for your little girl.

  4. That is a very groovy cake! I think I might need to tackle that...with a freidn as well (:

  5. Gorgeous!!! I love the excited look on Lucy's face. :) Happy birthday to her!
    ps. Love your music. :)

  6. SO cool! reminds me of my childhood "Rainbow Brite" days! I love it! Happy belated birthday to Lucy Lu! HUGS!!!!

  7. I love the picture with you and Lucy and then Dave and Nora are in the mirror. I know it has nothing to do with the cake, which is pretty cool by the way!

  8. Oh wow that is the coolest cake! I'll have to come back here for the tips if I try to make it. Thanks for sharing!

  9. wow! I love it! great job!

  10. That's adorable! Great job! And thanks for giving the secrets of how it was made, as well!

  11. JJ my daughter Lucy wrote you a letter earlier this year and you wrote her back saying you also had a daughter named Lucy. We found out today that they not only got a rainbow birthday cake (our Lucy's were cupcakes) but also share the same birthday.

    We look forward to seeing you the next time you tour through Chicago/Wisconsin area.

  12. I love Rainbow cakes...I love the idea of bordering them with the dum dum suckers. :) You can also make this in a double layer cake, by baking all the colors in one pan (just drop the colors on top of each other one by one--they will spread out/fill the pan on their own and bake).

  13. JJ, that looks so fun! I'm glad your neighbor was able to help you accomplish the task! Lucy loos so happy, I love it. You are such a great parent (along with Dave, of course). Happy birthday, Lucy! Way to go, JJ!

  14. Love it!! My Lucy (who emailed you) has the same birthday as your Lucy but in 2005, and we made rainbow cupcakes. She declared her birthday a "JJ Heller" themed party because she got your CD and shares her birthday w/your Lucy, and the rainbow thing too. Blessings to you!

  15. (Sorry, I am Amy, Homeschool Dad's wife, and I commented under his name, sorry about the double posts!)

  16. That cake is so beautiful! I love your little girls' reaction to her cake. Priceless!

  17. I want my mom to make me a cake like that! I had no idea there were that many colors of dum-dums...what a great idea for decoration!

  18. That's so cool! We did the same sort of cake for my birthday a long time ago, but we only did like, three colors but I still loved it cause I was really into rainbows when I was younger lol;) BTW, the dum-dums idea is really cute!

  19. That is sooo cute! I definitely want to make that for the next friends birthday! :)

  20. JJ I love your cake (and your music!)!!! I don't have fb and would love to see a picture of Nora! But anyways I hope you come to Tx soon!!

  21. fab. i have a little 3-month old named lucy!! love your blog and your music.

  22. Coolest cake ever!! Great job JJ:)

  23. LOVE love LOVE love LOVE!

  24. That`s simply amazing ... and yummy. Lucky Lucy!

  25. what a grand idea. May be I will make one. Come on over and see my giveaway and win a bag for your little one or earrings for yourself.

  26. Wow! That is so creative. I really like all the colors.

  27. What a pretty cake! I think I'll make one for the next person in my family to have a Birthday!

  28. What a brilliant Idea! I liked the idea of putting the lollipops around the base of the cake.. :)
    You should definitely think about coming to Long Island, NY during a future tour. I LOVE your music and your creativity.

  29. This is amazing!! Waiting for more blog posts!

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  31. that looks amazing

  32. this is so cute! just finding your blog through another one. Don't see how to join your site....let me know. Would love to stay in touch! You've done some really cute things!

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