Thursday, December 10, 2009


We're in Nashville right now packing up our house so that we can move to warmer weather (which sounds REALLY nice right now, but not so nice in the summer). Phoenix, here we come!

Amidst all of the mess, I noticed how pretty all of these knick knacks looked on the bookshelves. I had tried to group them together so that they would be easy to pack, and then it hit me how pretty they were :).

AND.. Elizabeth Foster came by today so that we could take a look at more of her art. It's my belated birthday gift from Dave! We just LOVE the art we bought from her awhile back (which I posted about here and here), and we decided that we would like more please. It was so hard to choose, but these were the ones we decided on.

I mean... how could we resist flying whales?

... and a horse wearing a Victrola?...