Here's what Lucy probably looks like right now. She's fully formed and just putting on more weight at this point (she weighs a little less than 7 lbs according to my doctor's estimate). I'm expecting her to be pretty little and have lots of brown beautiful hair.

Dave guesses she's going to weigh 7 lbs, and my guess is 6 lbs, 10 oz. Anyone else want to play our little game?
6 lbs. 7 oz.
7 lbs. 5 oz.
6lbs 6 oz.
FYI my dr thought cai was 7lbs. ultrasounds are +/-2 lbs!
sarah not tim
7 lbs 2oz! :) you look beautiful, jj! know i'm praying for you three!
Put me down for 6 lbs. 14 oz. :-)
My youngest is now 8 years old,
but when I look at the picture of your 36 week, Painted Red belly, I am sweetly reminded of my own 3 pregnancies...
belly front and center!
My estimation is 8lbs. on the button.
That would be, 37 week Painted Red belly...:)
6 or 7 lbs. oz.
In case you are interested there is a baby guessing game pool at a site called I've done it for the past three pregnancies. It's a lot of fun to see what people guess and who comes the closest to being right.
7 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 inches long. Happy 38 weeks!!
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