Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Coming Along

Since I got such a huge response to my last kitchen update (can you sense my sarcasm?), I thought I'd load a few photos of our progress today.


Pauly Heller said...

Love the white, J! I can't believe David is painting the doors without taking them off the hinges!

*jj said...

We're going to replace the hinges (we found out that they are really brass hinges spray painted silver! We're going to take the doors off to paint the inside of them, and to paint the built-in part (if that makes sense). I'm glad you like it!

Sarah M said...

pretty! I love it! the white is bringing out the details in the doors I couldn't see before.

Sarah M said...

JJ, wondering if you have that soup recipe yet? I am feeling in the mood for some broc/cheddar. I would love to have your recipe.