Fortunately, she eventually found herself in a community of friends who loved her and showed her that God wanted to heal her. She realized that it was only when she gave up control to the Lord, she could finally be free of her addiction. I took her story and ran with it. I hope "Control" does her justice.
The song is available exclusively through digital retailers like iTunes. Click the photo (below) to check it out. If you want to share it with friends on Twitter, or Facebook, you can do it right from the iTunes Music Store. Just click the little arrow to the right of the "Buy" button, and select "Share on Twitter/Facebook."

Hi JJ. Thank you. I cried thankful tears just reading the blog post. It took only a few sentences to know it was the a story I'd heard personally in the misdt of recovery. Britt was my work crew girl about 4 years ago.
Bless you for what you do and who you are and Who you serve.
Amazing.... thanks once again for allowing God to touch my life through your music! And now that you are on KLOVE all the time here in Phx... my 2 year old sings the words! So cute!
congrats on the new release!!! it's one of my faves...
Love it. Can't wait for the new album :)
I have to say you did a wonderful job with the song. I have dealt with the same problem and the only way you can truly get help is through God, and to give Him total control. You are doing great works.
Strength is in Surrender
Thats wonderful! In situations like that it is so hard to give up that control. Beautiful song! I've been struggling with an eating disorder for 8 years. Lately I've been about to relapse and had been doing so I heard this song and I just realized you have got to let this go and get back on track!
thank you for this song it helps. There are too many of us who have struggled alone with this. I look at my scars, cry and feel like no one could understand.
Hi JJ. my wife and I have seen you perform several times here in AZ. She (Tracee) knows you from your times at Bethany Bible Church. Often times we listen to your CD and just love your music. We were so very excited when your song "Your Hands" made it to KLOVE. we have added it to our playlist on our blog. The reason I write is to tell you about the ministry your song has become to so many others through our blog. Our son, Gavin, was born on April 5th at 27 weeks and weighs 1 pound 3 ounces. We have already had so many ups and downs. Tracee had severe preeclampsia which caused her to be admitted to the hospital and we were able to hold on for about a week before she had to deliver Monday as her body was beginning to shut down. We know that the Lord has chosen us for this and that He doesn't make any mistakes. God is good. Thank you for your song - as others who have posted to our blog have said how they have been ministered by the words "when my world is shaking, Heaven stands. When my heart is breaking, I never leave your hands." That is so encouraging to us and reassures us in times of uncertainty. I'll leave our blog with you as well if you would like to know more about our story and our journey that we are on.
thank you so much! We love your music!
Jeramy Williams
Control is a beautiful song, thank you so much for your directness about this subject!
Hey, wanted to let you know that whenever my 1 1/2 year old son hears your song on Klove, he totally stops what he's doing and just stares at the radio! It's quite interesting, and yours is the only song this occurs with!
Just love your songs! "Control" is a perfect reflection of the very work God has me doing - writing about the idols of our heart. Thank you for letting Him do a good work in you.
Thank you. Your song is amazing and really captures the struggle. Thanks for being honest, open, and direct on this subject, it takes a brave person to discuss such a controversial subject.
I heard your song Your Hands on the radio quite a bit and thought it was beautiful. It really touched me so I had to find out who sang it. When I did, this song came up too and WOW, the words penetrated my heart. I had to play it over & over to make sure I was hearing it right b/c I couldn't believe a song could capture exactly what I was feeling. I'm dealing with PPD and OCD and this song brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift & for creating songs that feel like God is speaking directly to me.
Control... mmmmm... so true what she said -the moment we surrender into His hands, we are freed from our addictions. Love your music JJ. Brings me right into His presence :) God bless you!!
I was in tears the first time I heard this song, it hit way too close to home. I too have been in a very similar situation and have just recently started taking the steps towards healing. Working on trusting God and giving Him control.
Thank you so much for sharing your music! God is truly using it to bless others!
I know you hear everyday how your music has impacted many people. It has impacted me to but I believe in a different way. This summer I went to Big River Bible Camp, Canada, Saskatchewan. The kids that go there are from very unstable families. They live on the reserve and are in contact with many things I have only heard of for the first time this summer. My friend has gotten into so many things. This summer I heard my first song from you what love really means and it reminded me of the kids who haven't even heard of God and who felt like they have been alone. Hearing this song brought tears to my eyes and just made me want to somehow make an impact in my church but also my community not sure how I'm going to do that but trust in the Lord your God and nothing is impossible!! Thanx <3
i love your music!!
Your music is always very encouraging to me. Your song control means alot persinaly to me as a former cutter there is hardly anysongs out there that point cutters to our lords true release more often then not arrest who address the subject make us want to cut more in attemps to show us we aren't alone (I have no problem with this) but they remind us of in the moment how good it feels to go deep and see the blood flowing down our hands and wrist. Which causes a problem... Thank you so much for writing this song! I listen to it everytime I want to cut and it reminds me why I chose to stop and of the true reliese only god can bring.
Hey JJ I am so greatful for your music! I used a few of your songs when I proposed to my girlfriend and I have it all on video here and figured you might be interested in seeing how great of an impact your music has had. Thank you so much! I hope you have the time to watch this video, if not I just want you to know how grateful we both are for you.
Here is my fiancé's blog address she wrote a small bit about the proposal.
My daughter, 9, is wanting to sing What Love Really Means at her elementary talent show, however they have a rule that it has to be a karaoke version. I was shocked because she is very shy but wants to sing so I want to support her in anyway possible. She is very disappointed by this policy. Is there a karaoke version available anywhere? My daughter and I appreciate any help.
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