I know that the little green branch-y things are a little too sparse. Do you think I should buy more of those and make it more full, or should I add something else?
I definitely don't know very much about flower arranging, so any input would be much appreciated.
I just found your site a few days ago after googling you! I blog(http://engravedinhispalm.blogspot.com/) and have two of your songs on my play list (Your Hands and Love me)...beautiful!
I love to decorate and have enjoyed the photos of your home. It looks great as it is but if you'd like to change it up - I would suggest putting some type of flower or twig in with the green thingies on the mantle in an orange hue. It would bring out the birds in the picture and highlight that hue in the bricks. The great thing about doing that is that if you don't like it you can always pitch it. Or you could replace the cream vase with an orange vase and keep the green things and maybe add some brown twigs? So many possibilities...have fun!
In order to keep the cost down you could always collect twigs while out on a walk. Thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales are also good sources of decorative items such as vases, flowers, and accents. If I find a shape I like but don't like the color, well spray paint comes to the rescue... Do you have a Hobby Lobby nearby? They are also a good source!!
Have fun!
cute! love the painting!
I'm new to your blog as well! I love Shannon's idea of an orange vase (paint the current one?)... or add red or orange flowery accents. A little color to accentuate the birdies will make it all come together!
I wonder too if you painted the frame for the picture a brighter color it would stand out more against the stonework.
I just listened to your cd Painted Red . It was so wonderful ! You and your husband and the rest of the artists on your project have truly been gifted . Your album was so encouraging I have already purchased another cd to send to my sister and intend to give my daughter a cd as well to encourage her as she and her husband and my grambaby, Julianne head to Boston for her third and final open heart surgery in April. http://juliannesjourney.blogspot.com/ This is Juliannes story if you would like to read. I may take along some cds for other moms and dads in the cicu at Boston Childrens hospital...God bless you and your beautiful family & adorable baby girl ! Thank you for pursuing your gift so that we might be blessed through the hearing of it. Julianne's Grammie
In the vase on the mantle
I can see
beautiful golden pheasant feathers.
Some of the golden variety
have beautiful orange & red variations.
Feathers & twigs
would be most lovely~
{{* *}}
you should put a few red flowers that are similar to the color of the birds in the painting. as well as more green branches.
I'm a new reader as well!
Great start with the green twiggy things you have in there! If I saw them in a store my eyes would be drawn to them. I would suggest brown twigs that have a lot of character (not any of the straight ones you see sometimes at Michael's or Hobby Lobby). After reading the other comments, I agree with pulling in the orange accent too!
to tell you the truth, I think you are doing great on your own...I've even picked up a couple tips! I LOVE the artwork AND your sense of style!
Hi JJ! I'm a friend of Heather Miller Brown from Manhattan, KS! Love your music and blog. I saw this photo idea on apartmenttherapy and instantly thought of your new home and your little girl.
Look at the 3rd picture in the set of 5 (with the lilac throw on the couch). In this 3rd picture, look at the two framed pictures in the background. The photos almost look like your little girl. I thought this portrait combination would be so easy for you to replicate. Cheers from Albuquerque, NM!
Hey JJ I love the green twiggy things but I think they're just falling too far down into the vase. Why don't you try putting a chunk of floral foam in the bottom to boost them up a little bit?
my vote is to personalize that mantle... big bold frames (white to match the entertainment center?)
(brown?) (black?)
with nice black and white photos of the fam, or even sepia tone to compliment the green in the space and nuetral colors...
(i watch a lot of HGTV at the gym and love decorating guru stuff!)
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